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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy and Personal Information Protection Policy


This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) sets forth the handling of personal information acquired by JP Consulting Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) in connection with the internet site Platform (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) operated by the Company. The Company collects personal information related to users of the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) or those who post property information on the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Agent Members”) within the necessary scope for operating the Service and providing the Company’s services. In this Policy, Users and Agent Members may collectively be referred to as “Customers”.

The Company and all its officers and employees recognize the protection of personal information entrusted to us by Customers in the operation of the Service as an important social mission. All officers and employees will comply with laws, guidelines, and other norms related to the protection of personal information. In addition to this Policy, if Customers have given separate consent (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Consent”), the contents of such Individual Consent shall prevail.


1. Personal Information

 “Personal Information” refers to information about a living individual as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information Protection Act”), which can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained in the information, or includes a personal identification code.


2. Commonly Acquired Information

The personal information acquired by the Company in providing the Service includes, but is not limited to, the following items. The items listed below are illustrative examples:

<Main Information Acquired from Users>

・Name, gender, age, nationality, residence, phone number, email address, and other contact information, language used, etc.

・Desired property conditions (region, type, layout, size, age of the building, budget, and other preferences)

・Service browsing history (web pages viewed, dates, frequency, etc.), search history, and other behavioral history (Includes comments and messages entered and sent by Customers for communication with others using tools available on the Service, such as chatbots.)

<Main Information Acquired from Agent Members>

Real estate license number, name or company name, representative’s name, location, phone number, person in charge, email address, etc.

<Commonly Acquired Information>

・Login ID, password, and other information

・Information related to inquiries, contacts, etc., made to the Company by the Customer

・Service usage history, transaction content and history initiated through the Service, negotiation and conclusion status, etc.

・Information related to the Customer’s internet usage (information collected by cookies by the Company or provided by third parties, including website, search keywords, history of advertisement views and clicks, access logs, IP addresses, browser information viewing time, viewing method (type of browser), the usage environment of the device used during viewing (connection environment, carrier information), cookie information, IP address, device unique identification number, and other information mechanically acquired upon accessing the Company’s server)

・Call records (including recordings and video recordings, if any) and message information

・Other information registered, entered, or provided by the Customer when using the Service

3. Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

The Company will acquire and use personal information of individuals within the necessary scope for the following purposes. The Company will obtain prior consent in an appropriate manner from the individual if it uses personal information beyond the scope of the following purposes:

1) To provide the Service

2) For account registration and identity verification of Customers

3) To respond to inquiries, opinions, and other communications from Customers (including identity verification)

4) For necessary contact from the Company to Customers, such as for maintenance and important announcements

5) To provide Users’ information (including information entered by Users at the time of account registration and application for materials, viewing appointments, etc.) to real estate agents (including members who post properties on the Service) based on requests for materials or viewing appointments made by Users

6) To provide personal information (including account information, name, contact information, nationality, language used, and other identifiers to identify the User) to the extent necessary to provide interpretation and translation services by companies affiliated with the Company, based on Users’ applications for viewings and meetings

7) To investigate and analyze the usage history of the Service, etc., and use the results for improvement and enhancement of the Service or the Company’s services or for planning, research, and development of new services

8) For the introduction of new features, updates, campaigns, etc., of the Service and other services provided by the Company (including sending emails, flyers, and other direct mails)

9) To request cooperation in surveys, interviews, etc., related to the Service, invite participation in various events, or report the results

10) To provide browsing information and cookie-based information obtained through the Service to advertisers, think tanks, real estate agents, and other third parties for marketing and advertising activities by the Company or real estate agents, etc. (※ The Company may analyze Customers’ interests, preferences, purchasing trends, attributes, etc., based on browsing information and cookie-based information obtained through the Service, and utilize the results for information provision and advertising activities)

11) To use or provide information on the usage of the Service, such as statistical information or information processed into a format that does not and cannot identify individuals, to advertisers, research institutions, think tanks, real estate agents, and other third parties

12) For the prevention, detection, warning, and other responses to violations of the Service Terms, fraudulent activities, and other misconduct

13) For other purposes, to appropriately and smoothly execute transactions between the Company/the Company’s group companies and Users or Agent Members, and contacts with affiliated business partners


4. Provision to Third Parties

The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the individual’s consent, except in the following cases:

1) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent.

2) When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the individual’s consent.

3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local public entity, or a person entrusted by them in executing affairs prescribed by laws, and obtaining the individual’s consent is likely to impede the execution of such affairs.

4) When all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted to ensure smooth execution of business, within the scope necessary for the achievement of the purpose of use.

5) When personal information is provided in connection with business succession due to merger or other reasons.

6) When personal information is jointly used with specific parties, and the Company has notified the individual in advance or put the individual in a readily ascertainable position regarding the fact of joint use, the items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of joint users, the purpose of use by the users, and the name or title of the person responsible for the management of the personal information.

7) In other cases permitted by law.


5. Safety Management

The Company shall take necessary measures for preventing and correcting risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, loss, destruction, damage, alteration, and leakage of personal information, and other safety management of personal information.


6. Change of Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company will not change the purpose of use of personal information specified in the preceding paragraph, except with the consent of the individual, in principle. However, if the change of purpose of use is within a reasonably recognized range that has substantial relevance to the purpose of use before the change, the Company may change it after publishing the purpose of use after the change.


7. Outsourcing of Personal Information Handling

The Company may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information to third parties. In such cases, the Company will thoroughly assess the eligibility of the outsourced party and stipulate matters related to confidentiality obligations in the contract, while conducting necessary and appropriate supervision over the outsourced party. The Company may jointly use the acquired personal information with others in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law.


8. Anonymous Processed Information

The Company may create and provide to third parties information obtained by processing Customers’ personal information in such a way that specific individuals cannot be identified and the original personal information cannot be restored (hereinafter referred to as “Anonymous Processed Information”). When handling Anonymous Processed Information, the Company will not perform any actions to identify individuals related to the personal information used to create the Anonymous Processed Information, nor will it match the Anonymous Processed Information with other information. When the Company creates Anonymous Processed Information, it will promptly publish the items of information included in the created Anonymous Processed Information after its creation. When providing Anonymous Processed Information to third parties, the Company will publish the items of personal information included in the Anonymous Processed Information to be provided and the method of provision, and explicitly indicate to the third parties that the information provided is Anonymous Processed Information. The Company will not perform any actions to identify individuals related to the personal information used to create the Anonymous Processed Information, nor will it match the Anonymous Processed Information with other information.


9. Improvement and Review of Personal Information Handling

The Company will conduct inspections regarding the handling, management system, and initiatives of personal information and will continuously improve and review these practices.


10. Disclosure of Personal Information

The Company will disclose personal information to the individual upon request, in accordance with the Company’s prescribed procedures (note that certain identity verification procedures and the burden of fees may be required). The disclosure will be made promptly after verifying the individual’s identity. However, in the following cases, the Company may not disclose all or part of the information, and if a decision is made not to disclose, the Company will notify the individual of this decision:

1) If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party.

2) If there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper execution of the Company’s business.

3) If it would result in a violation of other laws.


11. Correction and Deletion of Personal Information

If the personal information held by the Company is incorrect, the Company will correct or delete the information in accordance with the prescribed procedures upon the individual’s request (note that certain identity verification procedures and the burden of fees may be required). The Company will erase or dispose of personal information when it is no longer necessary in relation to the purpose of use, taking necessary and appropriate measures to prevent risks such as external leakage during the process. The Company determines the retention period of personal information based on criteria such as the necessity for achieving the purpose of use set out in this Policy, the length of the ongoing relationship with the User, the presence or absence of legal obligations, and whether the User is required to fulfill a contract as a party.


12. Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Data

Users can request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure of personal data or third-party provision records, correction, addition, deletion of content of personal data, and suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties of personal data, in accordance with the Company’s prescribed procedures. Note that certain identity verification procedures and the burden of fees may be required.


13. Suspension of Use of Personal Information

If the Company is requested by the individual to suspend or erase the use of personal information (hereinafter referred to as “Suspension, etc.”) on the grounds that the information is being handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use or was acquired by improper means, the Company will conduct necessary investigations. Based on the results, if deemed necessary, the Company will carry out the Suspension, etc. of personal information and notify the individual. However, if Suspension, etc. involves a significant cost or is difficult to implement, and if alternative measures can be taken to protect the individual’s rights and interests, such alternative measures will be taken.


14. About Cookies

The Company may use cookies to protect the privacy of Customers, improve the convenience of the Service and the Company’s services, deliver advertisements, and acquire statistical information. Cookies are text files sent from a web server to a web browser and stored on the internal storage of the Customer’s device when accessing a website. When using certain web services, the web server refers to cookies to automatically identify the Customer’s device, allowing convenient use of the website without the need to repeatedly enter the same information. Customers can display on their web browser that they are on a website using cookies and can disable or delete cookies.


15. International Transfer of Personal Information

The purpose of the Service is to enable people worldwide to access real estate transactions located in Japan, and the Service is available globally. Therefore, Customers’ personal information may be accessed by third parties located outside of Japan, including the counterparties of real estate transactions, third parties who mediate, support, or are involved in real estate transactions (including providers of interpretation services and payment services) through the Service. These jurisdictions may have laws different from the data protection laws of the country or region where the Customer resides, and in some cases, may not be as comprehensive or offer sufficient protection. The Company endeavors to take appropriate measures to ensure that Customers’ personal information is handled as described in this Policy and in accordance with applicable data protection laws.


16. Contact for Inquiries

For inquiries, consultations, or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following: JP Consulting Inc., Personal Information Handling Officer Address: 1008 Nishi Shinjuku Dai-kyo Building, 7-21-3 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan Tel: 03-5937-1637


17. Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Company may change or amend this Policy at any time, except for matters that are specifically provided for in laws. The revised Privacy Policy will take effect when notified to the users by the Company’s prescribed method (including posting the content of the revised Policy on this page) or when posted on the Company’s website.


18. Establishment and Revision Date of the Privacy Policy

Established: March 1, 2024