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User Terms of use

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User Terms of Service


Article 1 (Purpose and Application)

  1. These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) apply to all relationships related to the use of the service provided by JP Consulting Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) for searching and discovering real estate through the “Platform” (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”) by those who use it (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).
  2. These Terms set forth the conditions for using the Service. Users may only use the Service in accordance with the conditions set forth in these Terms.
  3. The Company may separately establish compliance items applicable to all or part of the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Individual Terms”). Unless otherwise specified, Individual Terms form a part of these Terms. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the Individual Terms, the Individual Terms shall prevail.


Article 2 (Agreement to the Terms)

  1. Before starting to use the Service, Users must thoroughly read and fully understand these Terms, Individual Terms, and the Privacy Policy, and commence use of the Service only after doing so. The actual commencement of use of the Service by a User shall be deemed as the User having read in full and fully understood these Terms, Individual Terms, and the Privacy Policy, and having given a valid and irrevocable agreement to all of them.
  2. The Service is available only to those who are 18 years of age or older. Users under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the Service. If a User who was under the age of 18 at the time of agreeing to these Terms uses the Service after reaching 18, it is considered as ratification of all their actions taken while under the age of 18.
  3. If a User uses the Service on behalf of a business, it must be used under the agreement of the authorized representative of that business.


Article 3 (Changes to These Terms and Individual Terms)

  1. The Company may, without obtaining the consent of the users, change these Terms and Individual Terms from time to time under any of the following circumstances: (1) When there is a change in name or formal expression, correction of typographical errors, or other changes that do not affect the substantive content of these Terms and Individual Terms. (2) When the change of these Terms is in the general interest of the Users. (3) When the change of these Terms does not contravene the purpose of the contract, and is reasonable in light of the necessity of the change, the appropriateness of the content after the change, and other circumstances related to the change.
  2. The amended Terms and Individual Terms take effect from the time they are notified to or made known to the Users by posting on the Service or other methods deemed appropriate by the Company. If a User uses the Service after the change of these Terms and Individual Terms, or does not take the procedure of cancellation within a reasonable period (or within a period prescribed by the Company, if any), it is deemed that the User has fully understood and given a valid and irrevocable agreement to the content of the changed Terms and Individual Terms.
  3. When using the Service, please refer to the latest version of these Terms and applicable Individual Terms from time to time. The Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by Users due to changes to these Terms.


Article 4 (Account)

  1. When registering information about themselves for using the Service, Users must register true, accurate, and complete information and must always update it to keep it current. The Company is not responsible for any damage suffered by Users due to failure to update account information.
  2. Users must promptly update their account information on the Service in the event of any changes to the following: (1) Name or company name (2) Name of representative (3) Nationality, place of residence (4) Contact information such as telephone number, email address, etc.
  3. The Company may delete a User’s account at any time without notice if the User falls under any of the following: (1) If the information registered is false or inaccurate (2) If the User has previously been subject to suspension of use, cancellation of registration, or similar measures due to violation of these Terms (3) If the Company reasonably determines that a provisional registrant belongs to or is associated with anti-social forces (4) If one year has passed since the last access to the Service (5) In other cases similar to the above, or if the Company determines that it is inappropriate for the individual to be a User
  4. Account information and User status in the Service may not be licensed, lent, transferred, sold, or provided as security to third parties.


Article 5 (Management of ID and Password)

  1. Users are responsible for managing their ID and password (hereinafter referred to as “Login Information”) provided by the Company. Users must strictly manage and store their own Login Information and must not license, lend, transfer, sell, or provide it as security to third parties.
  2. Users bear all responsibility and liability for damages due to insufficient management of Login Information, misuse, or use by third parties, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.
  3. Users are obligated to change their passwords regularly and the Company is not liable for any damage to the User or third parties due to failure to fulfill this obligation.
  4. All actions taken using a User’s Login Information will be deemed as actions of the User holding that ID, and the Company is not liable for any damage to the User or third parties, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by the Company.
  5. Users must immediately report to the Company if their Login Information is leaked, lost, forgotten, or if it is found to be used improperly by third parties, or if there is a possibility of such. In such cases, the User must comply without objection to instructions from the Company.
  6. The Company is not liable for any damage to Users due to theft, loss, or other incidents related to Login Information.


Article 6 (Conditions and Restrictions on Service Provision)

  1. Users are responsible for providing and maintaining, at their own expense and responsibility, the communication equipment, operating systems, communication methods, tools, applications (including those listed below, whose names and URLs are subject to change), and other environmental and facility requirements necessary for using the Service. The Company has no obligation or responsibility to assist, whether paid or unpaid, in setting up such an environment.
  2. Users are responsible for connecting their equipment to the internet using telecommunication services provided by telecommunication operators or others, at their own expense and responsibility.
  3. Even if there are issues with the environment and facilities mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, the Company has no obligation or responsibility to provide support or any other services related to the use of the Service, whether paid or unpaid.
  4. The Company may limit the provision of all or part of the Service to Users who meet certain conditions deemed necessary by the Company, such as age, identity verification, registration information, explicit agreement to these Terms, Individual Terms, Privacy Policy (including those amended), or other conditions.


Article 7 (Display of Advertisements) 

The Company may post advertisements of the Company or third parties on the Service by any method at its discretion.


Article 8 (Interpretation and Other Services)

  1. Users may use the interpretation and translation services (hereinafter referred to as “Interpretation Services”) provided by the Language Support Center, a business partner of the Company, only if the real estate agent member matched on the Service (hereinafter referred to as “Agent Member”) has concluded a contract for Interpretation Services with the Language Support Center.
  2. The contract for Interpretation Services is between the Agent Member and the Language Support Center. The Company is not involved in this contract and does not guarantee that Users can use the Interpretation Services. The Company is not obligated or responsible for resolving any disputes or troubles between the User and the Language Support Center or between the User and the Agent Member that may arise from the use of Interpretation Services.
  3. The Company is not responsible for any aspect of the Interpretation Services used by the User. The User assumes all risks and responsibilities for using the Interpretation Services. By using the Service and the Interpretation Services, Users are deemed to have understood and agreed to these risks and responsibilities. Furthermore, Users must comply with the terms of use and other regulations set by the Language Support Center when using the Interpretation Services.
  4. Even if damage (including but not limited to losses and damages arising from disputes between the User and the Agent Member) occurs to the User due to the negligence of the Language Support Center, all responsibility for the Interpretation Services lies with the Language Support Center, and the Company bears no obligation or responsibility.


Article 9 (Compliance)

  1. When obtaining or possessing personal information through the use of the Service, Users shall comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information, guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission, and other norms.
  2. When the Company requests a User to stop any unfair or inappropriate actions, provide information regarding such actions, or make improvements, the User shall comply with these requests.
  3. Users shall not use the information obtained through the Service beyond the intended use of the Service (including copying, transmitting, reproducing, modifying, etc.), nor shall they provide it to third parties.
  4. Users shall respond promptly and sincerely to inquiries from Agent Members, other Users, or the Company.
  5. Users shall not disclose secrets of others obtained through the use of the Service without a legitimate reason.


Article 10 (Responsibility for Information Dissemination and Disputes with Third Parties)

  1. Users are solely responsible for the information they disseminate through the Service (including but not limited to communications with Agent Members or the Language Service Center) and shall not cause any damage or burden to the Company. If the Company suffers any damage or burden, the User shall immediately compensate or reimburse the Company for all such damage or burden.
  2. If a User causes damage to a third party or is involved in a dispute with a third party in connection with the use of the Service, the User shall resolve it at their own expense and responsibility and shall not cause any damage or burden to the Company. If the Company incurs any damage or burden, the User shall immediately compensate or reimburse the Company for all such damage or burden.
  3. The Company may check the content of information disseminated by Users if necessary to verify compliance with laws and these Terms and Individual Terms. However, the Company is not obligated to conduct such checks.


Article 11 (Prohibited Actions)

  1. The Company prohibits Users from engaging in the following actions when using the Service:
    Acts that violate laws (including ordinances), court judgments, decisions or orders, or legally binding administrative measures
    2) Infringing or potentially infringing on the intellectual property rights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, copyrights, rights of publicity, or other personal or property rights of the Company, licensors, or third parties
    3) Commercial use (profit-seeking) of the Service or information/services posted on the Service, except as authorized by the Company
    4) Acts that unfairly harm the honor, rights, or credit of others
    Acts contrary to public order and morals or providing information that is or may be contrary to public order and morals to other Users or third parties
    6) Criminal acts, acts leading to criminal behavior, or promoting such acts
    7) Acts of business, advertising, promotion, solicitation, religious activities, soliciting for religious groups, seeking sexual acts, seeking relationships or encounters with unknown persons of the opposite sex, harassment, defamation, discriminatory acts, or other uses of the Service for purposes not intended by the Service
    8) Registering or providing false, potentially false, or inaccurate information on the Service
    9) Unauthorized access to the Company’s system, alteration of program codes, cheating using application specifications, distributing computer viruses, or other acts that obstruct the normal operation of the Service
    10) Using macros and automation tools
    11) Using crawlers, spiders, or similar programs or processing technologies to obtain information from the Service
    12) Modifying, reverse compiling, reverse assembling, reverse engineering, or analyzing the source code
    13) Sending the same or similar content to an unspecified large number of third parties
    14) Placing an excessive load on the Service’s system
    15) Altering or deleting information, text, images, or other content on the Service
    16) Impersonating the Company or third parties or intentionally spreading false information
    17) Illegally obtaining, collecting, disclosing, or providing third-party personal information, registration information, usage history information, etc.
    18) Acts that interfere with the operation of the Service, damage the credit, or infringe on the property rights of the Company or third parties
    19) Using the information and services provided on the Service for fraudulent purposes
    20) Acts that negatively affect the physical and mental development of minors
    21) Using the Service by impersonating a third party or using another User’s account
    22) The same User registering multiple times
    23) Acts related to fraud, abuse of regulated drugs, illegal buying and selling of bank accounts and mobile phones, etc.
    24) Acts related to criminal proceeds, financing of terrorism, or suspicion thereof
    25) Using the Service under the age of 18
    26) Adult wards, persons under curatorship, or persons under assistance using the Service without the necessary legal representation or prior consent
    27) Using the Service for the purpose of forming relationships with the opposite sex, building romantic relationships, or for sexual purposes
    28) Abusive language, insults, defamation, denial of personality, harassment, threatening behavior (including cases where there is a right but the manner of the claim lacks social appropriateness)
    29) Intentionally exploiting the Service’s malfunctions
    Repeatedly making similar or identical inquiries to the Company or making unreasonable demands on the Company
    31) Assisting or promoting any of the aforementioned acts
    32) Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate
  2. The decision as to whether an act falls under the prohibited actions in the preceding paragraph is at the discretion of the Company, and the Company is not obligated to explain its decision criteria.
  3. If the Company determines that a User’s action falls under any of the items in paragraph 1, the Company may take any or all of the following measures without prior notice:
    Erasure or expulsion of the account
    2) Suspension of eligibility to use the Service
    3) Any other actions deemed necessary by the Company
  4. The Company is not liable for any damage to Users resulting from the measures in the preceding paragraph, except in cases of intentional or gross negligence by the Company.


Article 12 (User Responsibility)

  1. Users shall use the Service at their own responsibility and bear all responsibility for their actions and the results thereof in the Service.
  2. If a User violates these Terms or causes damage to the Company due to intentional or negligent actions in connection with the use of the Service, the User shall compensate the Company for all damages incurred (including lost profits and legal fees).
  3. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the User shall take necessary measures for the restoration of the Company’s reputation, etc., at no cost.
  4. If a User fails to fulfill monetary obligations under these Terms of Service, the User shall pay the Company late payment charges at an annual rate of 14.6% (calculated daily based on a 365-day year).
  5. The provisions of the preceding four paragraphs shall remain in effect even after the User’s withdrawal or expulsion from the Service.


Article 13 (Intellectual Property Rights)

  1. All intellectual property rights and rights to register such rights (collectively referred to as “Intellectual Property Rights”) related to all information and contents provided in the Service (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Service Contents”) belong to the Company or licensors licensed by the Company, and not to the Users.
  2. Users do not acquire any rights to the Intellectual Property Rights specified in the preceding paragraph through the use of the Service.
  3. Users may not use, reproduce, modify, translate, republish, publicize, distribute, transfer, license, or otherwise dispose of (hereinafter referred to as “Use, etc.”) the Service Contents beyond the scope permitted by copyright law, regardless of method or form.
  4. Users shall transfer all possible copyrights (including the rights specified in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Law) to the Company (or a person designated by the Company, if any. Hereinafter the same in this Article) at no cost, for opinions, inquiries, emails, comments, drawings, images, and other contents and information (hereinafter referred to as “Posted Contents”) provided, posted, or submitted by Users on the Service. The Company may, without prior notice, change or delete Posted Contents if it deems that they violate these Terms, if the User withdraws or their account is canceled or erased, or if the Company deems it necessary for the operation of the Service.
  5. Users shall not exercise moral rights of authorship (including the right of disclosure, right of name attribution, and right of integrity) against the Company, any third party who has inherited or been licensed rights from the Company, and those who have inherited rights from such third parties concerning Posted Contents.
  6. The rights and obligations between the Company and Users under this Article shall continue to be valid after the User leaves the Service, deletes their account, or otherwise ceases to use the Service. The Company shall decide on the deletion of Posted Contents not deleted by the User, and the User cannot make any claims or objections to this.


Article 14 (Withdrawal)

  1. Users wishing to withdraw shall apply for withdrawal in the manner prescribed by the Company. Users shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Service on the last day of the month in which they applied for withdrawal.
  2. Withdrawal is an act performed at the User’s own responsibility, and the Company shall not compensate for any damage incurred by the User due to the inability to use the Service during the period of withdrawal.
  3. After withdrawal, the Company acquires all rights related to the User’s created account.


Article 15 (Measures Against Violation of Terms)

  1. If a User violates or is likely to violate these Terms or Individual Terms, if objections or claims are made by third parties regarding the use of the Service by the User, or if the Company deems the use of the Service by the User to be inappropriate, the Company may take the following measures without prior notice, as it deems necessary. The Company is not responsible for any consequences resulting from these measures:
    1) Request to stop all or part of the actions that violate or are likely to violate these Terms or Individual Terms
    2) Request to perform actions specified by the Company as appropriate responses to objections or claims from third parties
    3) Request to delete Posted Contents
    4) Deletion or reasonable processing (including making them inaccessible to third parties) of all or part of Posted Contents
    5) Cancellation of the account or suspension of eligibility to use the Service
    6) Any other measures deemed appropriate and reasonable by the Company
  2. Even with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Company is not obligated to take the measures specified in the preceding paragraph against any specific User.


Article 16 (Account Cancellation/Expulsion, Suspension of Service Eligibility, etc.)

  1. The Company may, at its discretion and without any notice, cancel or expel an account on the Service or suspend the eligibility to use the Service, if it determines that a User falls under any of the following:
    1) Non-existence of the User
    2) Inability to contact the User member through the contact information provided to the Company
    3) Inclusion of false information in the registration information
    4) Delay or non-performance of payment obligations even once
    5) Previous receipt of account cancellation/expulsion or temporary suspension of service eligibility from the Company
    6) The User being substantially equivalent to a person or entity whose User qualifications have been canceled or restricted
    7) Notification from the User’s heirs or other parties regarding the User’s death or confirmation of such by the Company
    8) The User or their workplace or other related parties being part of anti-social forces or having inappropriate relations with such forces, or reasonable suspicion thereof
    9) Failure to promptly respond to requests from the Company as stipulated in the previous Article, paragraph 1
    10) Violation of compliance items, prohibited actions, or other provisions of these Terms or being deemed inappropriate as a User
  2. The Company is not liable for any damage incurred by the User due to the measures taken in the preceding paragraph.


Article 17 (Changes, Suspension, etc. of the Service)

  1. The Company may change or add to the name, content, specifications, procedures, details, design, audio-visual effects, expressions, etc. (including but not limited to these) of the Service, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice to the User.
  2. The Company does not guarantee that all functions and performance of the Service prior to such changes or additions will be maintained.
  3. The Company may suspend or interrupt all or part of the Service in the following cases. In such cases, the Company will endeavor to notify the User in advance as much as possible but does not guarantee prior notice:
    1) In case of force majeure events like fire, power outage, epidemic, natural disaster, etc., making it impossible to operate the Service
    2) When there is a disruption or potential disruption in the facilities, hardware, software, or other environments necessary for the operation of the Service
    3) When regular or emergency maintenance of the computer system related to the Service is conducted
    4) When computers, communication lines, etc. are stopped due to an accident
    5) When requested based on the judgment of laws, judicial bodies, or administrative agencies
    6) Other cases where the Company deems it necessary to stop or interrupt the Service
  4. The Company is not liable for any damage incurred by the User due to the suspension of the Service under the provisions of the preceding paragraph.


Article 18 (Termination of the Service) 

The Company may terminate all or part of the Service at any time.


Article 19 (Handling of Personal Information)

  1. The Company shall handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the separately established Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”).
  2. If personal information is included in the data entered into the Service, the Company shall not use it for purposes other than those stated in the Privacy Policy and shall take reasonable security measures to protect it from loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc., and manage it strictly in accordance with the laws concerning the protection of personal information and the Privacy Policy.
  3. The Company shall promptly dispose of personal information that is no longer necessary for providing the Service under its responsibility.


Article 20 (Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability)

  1. The Company provides a platform for matching Users and Agent Members in the Service. Contracts related to real estate transactions in the Service are established between Users and Agent Members, and the Company is not a party to such contracts. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms, the Company is not involved in the payment, refund, or other execution of real estate sales, rental brokerage, etc., conducted by Users.
  2. The Company does not explicitly or implicitly warrant that the Service and its content are free from factual or legal defects, malfunctions (including defects, errors, or bugs related to completeness, accuracy, safety, timeliness, effectiveness, and suitability for specific purposes, or infringement of rights). The Company is not obligated to remove such defects in the Service.
  3. The Company is not liable for any damage incurred by Users due to refusal, suspension, or termination of the Service, deletion of User accounts, changes in the content of the Service, or any other cause related to or arising from the Service (including direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental damages, lost profits, loss of business opportunities, data loss or disappearance, etc.). However, this does not apply if the contract between the Company and the User related to the Service (including these Terms) is a consumer contract as defined by the Consumer Contract Act.
  4. Even in the case mentioned in the proviso of the preceding paragraph, the Company is not liable for any special damages arising from specific circumstances (including cases where the Company or the User foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damage) due to the Company’s negligence (excluding gross negligence).
  5. Even when compensating for damages caused to the User due to the Company’s negligence (excluding gross negligence), the amount of compensation for such damages shall be limited to the higher of the total amount paid by the User to the Company for the Service that caused the damage in the past year (zero yen if the total amount is zero yen) or 30,000 yen.
  6. In case of disputes arising between Users or between Users and third parties related to the use or inability to use the Service, the Company shall not be involved or liable in any way, and such disputes shall be resolved at the expense and responsibility of the relevant User.
  7. If the User’s counterpart, being another User or a third party, makes any claim or initiates a lawsuit against the Company, the User shall cooperate in all respects with the Company’s response to the third party and compensate the Company for all damages incurred in connection with the claim or lawsuit.
  8. Users shall use the Service only within the scope of the laws of Japan and their own nationality country, and the Company shall not be liable or responsible if the User violates the laws of Japan or the User’s nationality country in connection with the use of the Service.
  9. The Company shall not be liable for any non-performance of all or part of this contract due to force majeure such as natural disasters, changes in the earth, fire, strikes, trade stoppages, wars, civil unrest, epidemics, or other uncontrollable events.
  10. The provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall remain in effect even after the User’s withdrawal or expulsion from the Service.


Article 21 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces)

  1. Users represent and warrant that they currently do not fall under anti-social forces such as organized crime groups, gang members, those who have not passed five years since leaving gang membership, semi-gang members, companies related to organized crime groups, corporate extortionists, etc., social movement racketeers, groups with special intelligence violence, or others equivalent to these (hereinafter referred to as “Gang Members, etc.”), and will not fall under any of these in the future. Users also assure that they will not fall under any of the following:
    1) Having a relationship recognized as being controlled in management by Gang Members, etc.
    2) Having a relationship recognized as substantially involved in the management by Gang Members, etc.
    3) Using Gang Members, etc. for the purpose of seeking illegitimate benefits for oneself, one’s company, or third parties, or causing damage to third parties
    4) Providing funds or conveniences to Gang Members, etc. or being involved in such activities
    5) Having socially reprehensible relationships with Gang Members, etc., where officers or persons substantially involved in management are involved
  2. Users promise not to engage in any of the following acts either by themselves or through the use of third parties:
    1) Violent demanding behavior
    2) Unreasonable demanding behavior beyond legal responsibility
    3) Threatening behavior or using violence in transactions
    4) Spreading rumors, using fraud or force to damage the reputation or obstruct the business of another party
    5) Other acts similar to the aforementioned
  3. If a User falls under any of the items in paragraph 1 or engages in any of the acts in paragraph 2, the Company may, without any notice, take measures such as cancellation of membership qualifications, termination of the contract, or other measures deemed necessary by the Company.
  4. Even if the Company refuses to provide the Service or cancels the membership qualification of the User under the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not compensate for any damage incurred by the User.


Article 22 (Contact and Notification)

  1. Inquiries related to the Service and other communications or notifications from Users to the Company shall be made through the [Contact Us (For Users)] section on the website.
  2. When the Company makes a notification to Users regarding the Service, it will do so by posting the content of the notification on the Service or the Company’s website, or by any other method deemed appropriate by the Company.
  3. Notifications in the preceding paragraph will take effect from the time the Company posts them on the Service or the Company’s website.
  4. When the Company makes individual notifications to Users, it shall be deemed to have notified them by contacting the email address, address, or telephone number registered by the User in the Service. Notifications from the Company take effect at the time of dispatch.


Article 23 (Transfer of Status, etc.)

  1. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms, Users may not transfer, move, set as collateral, or otherwise dispose of their status under this contract or any rights or obligations based on these Terms to third parties without the prior written consent of the Company. However, this does not apply to business transfers, mergers, company splits, or other organizational restructurings.
  2. The Company may transfer its receivables from Users to third parties, and Users consent to the provision of their registration information to such third parties for this purpose.


Article 24 (Outsourcing) 

The Company may outsource all or part of the tasks related to the provision of the Service to third parties without the consent of Users. In such cases, the Company will responsibly manage the outsourced party.


Article 25 (Severability)

  1. Even if any provision or part of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the other parts of these Terms, which shall continue to be valid and enforceable. The Company and Users agree to endeavor to ensure the equivalent effect of the invalid or unenforceable provision or part in accordance with its intent and be bound by the amended Terms.
  2. Even if any provision or part of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable with respect to a certain User, it shall not affect the validity of these Terms with respect to other Users.


Article 26 (Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction) 

The governing law of these Terms shall be Japanese law, and any and all disputes arising from or related to these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.


Article 27 (Others) 

These Terms are written in Japanese. Versions in other languages are provided for reference only and are not official texts. In case of any contradiction or discrepancy between the Japanese version and versions in other languages, the content of the Japanese version shall prevail. The contents stipulated in versions in other languages shall not supplement or amend the content of the Japanese version.


Article 28 (Consultation and Resolution) 

The Company and Users agree that if there is any matter not stipulated in these Terms or if there is any doubt regarding the interpretation of these Terms, they shall resolve it promptly through consultations in accordance with the principles of good faith and trustworthiness.


Supplementary Provisions


Established and enforced on March 1, 2024.